Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 13 gefundenen in "Schiedsgerichtsverfahren / Arbitration":
Arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), is a technique for the resolution of disputes outside the courts, where the parties to a dispute refer it to one or more persons (the "arbitrators", "arbiters" or "arbitral tribunal"), by whose d
Arbitration steht für einen juristischen Vermittlungsvorgang, siehe Schiedsverfahren, bzw. die verwandte Mediation
Arbitration has deep roots throughout history[1]. Use of arbitration between international parties’ dates back to ancient Greece[2]. It is one of the earliest methods of dispute resolution.
In 1584, Lanfranco da Oriano, one the first scholars of commercial arbitration in the period of the Law Merchant, published an essay in Venice in which he noticed that the "subject of arbitration is of a great utility but it is always badly explained by legal scholars."[1] Five centuries later, many businessmen still agree with Lanfranco since their perception of the law of international trade seems completely different from that of many legal scholars, including their lawyers.
Recognizing the growing importance of international arbitration as a means of settling international commercial disputes, the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the Convention) seeks to provide common legislative standards for the recognition of arbitration agreements and court recognition and enforcement of foreign and non-domestic arbitral awards.
The German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) is a registered association for the promotion of national and international arbitration.
Resolution and Avoidance of Disputes in Construction Contracts
Die IHK Frankfurt am Main unterstützt Unternehmen seit Jahrenaktiv bei der Konfliktlösung, insbesondere durch Bereithaltungbewährter außergerichtlicher Streitbeilegungsverfahren (engl.:alternative dispute resolution, Abk.: ADR).
Arbitration Forums, Inc. (AF) is pleased to welcome you into a distinguished group of professionals who skillfully and objectively resolve intercompany claim disputes for over 4,700 member companies.
Der Hamburg Arbitration Circle eV ist eine Vereinigung Hamburger Juristen, die sich seit dem Jahr 2004 zur Förderung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Hamburg zu- sammengeschlossen haben.

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